TypeScript Asserts: Syntax, Usage, and Examples

TypeScript asserts help you enforce type safety by validating values at runtime. They refine types for the TypeScript compiler and prevent unexpected errors in dynamic data handling. Unlike regular type assertions, which only tell the compiler what a value is, assertion functions actively check conditions and throw errors if assumptions don’t hold.

How to Use TypeScript Asserts

An assertion function uses the asserts keyword to signal to TypeScript that the checked value has a specific type if the function completes successfully. These functions typically throw an error when the condition isn't met.

Basic Syntax of an Assertion Function

function assertString(value: unknown): asserts value is string {
  if (typeof value !== "string") {
    throw new Error("Value must be a string");

After calling this function, TypeScript treats value as a string within the scope.

function printUpperCase(value: unknown) {
  console.log(value.toUpperCase()); // TypeScript now knows 'value' is a string

printUpperCase("hello"); // Output: HELLO
printUpperCase(42); // Throws error: Value must be a string

Using TypeScript Asserts for Objects

To check if an object has a specific property before accessing it, use an assertion function:

function assertKeyExists<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(
  obj: T,
  key: K
): asserts obj is T & Record<K, unknown> {
  if (!(key in obj)) {
    throw new Error(`Property ${String(key)} is missing`);

const user = { name: "Alice", age: 25 };

assertKeyExists(user, "name");
console.log(user.name); // TypeScript now knows 'name' exists

When to Use TypeScript Asserts

TypeScript asserts are useful in situations where type inference isn’t enough or when working with uncertain data. Here are three key scenarios:

  1. Validating function parameters: Ensure a function receives the correct types, reducing runtime errors.
  2. Handling dynamic data: Validate API responses, form inputs, or other user-provided values.
  3. Preventing null or undefined values: Avoid potential issues from missing data by verifying values exist.

Examples of TypeScript Asserts

Asserting a Dictionary Key Exists

When working with dynamic keys in objects or dictionaries, use an assertion function to guarantee safe access:

function assertKeyExists<T>(obj: T, key: keyof T): asserts key is keyof T {
  if (!(key in obj)) {
    throw new Error(`Key ${String(key)} does not exist`);

const config: Record<string, string> = { theme: "dark", language: "en" };

assertKeyExists(config, "theme");
console.log(config["theme"]); // Safe access

Ensuring a Value is Not Null

Use a non-null assertion to prevent null or undefined values in your code:

function assertNotNull<T>(value: T | null | undefined): asserts value is T {
  if (value == null) {
    throw new Error("Value cannot be null or undefined");

const username: string | null = "JohnDoe";
console.log(username.toUpperCase()); // Safe to use

Using TypeScript Assertion in a Type Guard Function

A type guard function verifies if a value matches a specific type at runtime:

function isNumber(value: unknown): value is number {
  return typeof value === "number";

function processNumber(value: unknown) {
  if (isNumber(value)) {
    console.log(value.toFixed(2)); // TypeScript now knows 'value' is a number
  } else {
    console.log("Not a number");

processNumber(5.678); // Output: 5.68
processNumber("hello"); // Output: Not a number

Learn More About TypeScript Asserts

TypeScript Assertion vs. Type Guards vs. Assertion Functions

  • Type Assertion (as Type): Lets you override TypeScript’s type inference but doesn't perform runtime checks.
  • Type Guards (is Type): Checks the type at runtime and refines it within a block.
  • Assertion Functions (asserts): Ensure a condition is met and refine types, throwing an error if the condition fails.

Type Assertion in TypeScript

Type assertions use as to tell TypeScript that a variable has a specific type:

const input: unknown = "Hello";
const str = input as string;
console.log(str.length); // TypeScript assumes 'str' is a string

This does not validate the type at runtime. If the assumption is incorrect, it may lead to runtime errors.

Double Assertion in TypeScript

A double assertion (as unknown as Type) can force TypeScript to accept a value as a completely different type. Use this carefully:

const user = { name: "Alice" } as unknown as number;
console.log(user); // Still an object, but TypeScript allows it

Definite Assignment Assertion

The definite assignment assertion (!) tells TypeScript that a variable will always be assigned before being used:

class UserProfile {
  name!: string; // TypeScript won’t complain about missing initialization

  setName(name: string) {
    this.name = name;

const user = new UserProfile();
console.log(user.name); // Safe to access

Using import assert in TypeScript

You can import assertion functions from external modules for additional safety:

import assert from "assert";

const num = 5;
assert(typeof num === "number", "num should be a number");

Using TypeScript Asserts with Enums

When working with enums, assert values to confirm they match a valid enum entry:

enum Status {
  Active = "active",
  Inactive = "inactive",

function assertStatus(value: any): asserts value is Status {
  if (!Object.values(Status).includes(value)) {
    throw new Error(`Invalid status: ${value}`);

const status: string = "active";
console.log(status); // Safe to use as Status

Const Assertion in TypeScript

Using as const makes an object or array read-only:

const COLORS = ["red", "blue", "green"] as const;

// COLORS.push("yellow"); // Error: Cannot modify a readonly array
console.log(COLORS[0]); // "red"

TypeScript Array Filter Type Guard

Use an assertion function to filter an array while preserving type safety:

function isString(value: unknown): value is string {
  return typeof value === "string";

const mixedArray: unknown[] = ["hello", 42, "world"];
const stringArray = mixedArray.filter(isString); // Type is now 'string[]'
console.log(stringArray); // Output: ["hello", "world"]

TypeScript asserts add an extra layer of safety by verifying values at runtime. They prevent unexpected errors in applications by ensuring variables conform to expected types. Use them to check function inputs, enforce object properties, and refine types dynamically.

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