Mimo Press Kit
Learn to code, make apps, build websites, automate tasks, and more — no matter how much experience and time you have. Mimo creates a personalized curriculum with fun and effective exercises, projects, and challenges that fit into your daily routine and keep you motivated.
App & Web Platform name: Mimo
Tagline: Learn to Code
Description: Mimo is a platform that teaches app-making, website-building, hacking, and more in a fun and effective way — online or on the go.
How it works: Mimo brings topics that normally fill books, classes, and video sessions into bite-size lessons that don’t take longer than a minute to complete and, therefore, work anytime and anywhere.
Every exercise contains a 140-character introduction, a code snippet to interact with, and immediate feedback after every interaction. As users complete the lessons, they collect points, badges, and other achievements.
At present, Mimo comes with an introduction to programming for absolute beginners as well as courses on how to make apps, build websites, become a hacker, automate tasks, master the command line, and more. On a regular basis, Mimo’s content will grow and, soon, cover topics like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Hardware, Machine Learning.
A limited amount of content on Mimo is free for everyone. Mimo Premium is a subscription for $24.99–39.99.
Contact: Henry Ameseder, press@getmimo.com
Product Shots
iOS Screenshots
Android Screenshots
Web Screenshots
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Logo White
Press Mentions
“This way, you can work learning to code into your daily routine, whenever you have a few minutes of downtime.”
“The app’s lessons are bite-size to make it easy to squeeze coding into your busy day, and it has a beautiful interface.”
“The app’s simple design and succinct explanations make it stand out from the pack.”
“After a while, the lessons feel like addictive little code-snacks.”
“Mimo talks you through all the ins and outs of different coding languages, testing your newly acquired knowledge along the way.”
— Gizmodo
“It’s fun, easy and entertaining.”
— Forbes on Mimo’s prototype
“This format makes it ideal for learning on the go and in short sprints.”
— LifeHacker on Mimo’s prototype