Python round(): Rounding Numbers in Python

The Python round() function rounds floating-point numbers to a specified number of decimal places. It provides a simple way to control the precision of numbers in your code.

How to Use round() in Python

The round() function takes a number and rounds it to a specified number of decimal places. If no decimal places are specified, it rounds the number to the nearest whole number.

round() is a built-in function that takes a number and rounds it to a specified number of decimal places. Without an argument to specify the number of digits, round() rounds the number to the nearest whole number.

round(number, ndigits)
  • number: The number you want to round.
  • ndigits: The number of decimal places to round to (optional). Without it, the number is rounded to the nearest integer.

Basic Usage

print(round(3.14159))  # Outputs: 3
print(round(3.14159, 2))  # Outputs: 3.14

In this example, the first line rounds 3.14159 to the nearest integer (3), while the second line rounds it to two decimal places (3.14).

When to Use round() in Python

Python Rounding to Two Decimals

When displaying numerical results to users, it's common to round numbers for clarity or to meet specific precision requirements. For example, financial applications might round prices to two decimal places.

price = 49.987
rounded_price = round(price, 2)
print(f"Price: ${rounded_price}")  # Outputs: Price: $49.99

Python Rounding to the Nearest Integer

The round() function is also helpful in rounding a floating-point number to the nearest whole number.

number = 15.6
rounded_number = round(number)
print(rounded_number)  # Outputs: 16

Python Math Rounding

Using round(), you can round results in math or other complex calculations, controlling precision and avoiding displaying unnecessary decimal places.

result = 2.718281828459
rounded_result = round(result, 5)
print(rounded_result)  # Outputs: 2.71828

Examples of Using Python round()

Rounding in E-commerce Platforms

An e-commerce platform might use the round() function to calculate the totals of an order. By rounding the total, the platform can ensure customers pay the correct amount to two decimal places.

subtotal = 199.995
total = round(subtotal, 2)
print(f"Total: ${total}")  # Outputs: Total: $200.00

Rounding in Data Analysis

A data analytics tool might need to round data points for displaying or reporting purposes. For instance, rounding temperatures or percentages can make the data more accessible to interpret.

average_temperature = 72.56789
rounded_temp = round(average_temperature, 1)
print(f"Average Temperature: {rounded_temp}°F")  # Outputs: Average Temperature: 72.6°F

Rounding in Financial Applications

Financial applications often need to round numbers for currency conversions or financial reports. Rounding to two decimal places ensures that monetary values are representable in the financial world.

exchange_rate = 1.253672
rounded_rate = round(exchange_rate, 4)
print(f"Exchange Rate: {rounded_rate}")  # Outputs: Exchange Rate: 1.2537

Learn More About Python round()

Python Rounding Floats vs. Integers

Technically, round() works with floating-point numbers and integers. With integers, however, a positive ndigits parameter has no effect since integers are already whole numbers.

print(round(150))  # Outputs: 150
print(round(150, 2))  # Outputs: 150 (since it's an integer, `ndigits` doesn't change the result)

Python round() with Negative Numbers of Digits

Using a negative value for the ndigits parameter, the round() function can round a floating-point number or integer to a multiple of 10. In the following example, we round 12345 to the nearest hundred (12300), simplifying the value.

print(round(12345, -2))  # Outputs: 12300

round() and Floating-Point Precision Issues

Python’s round() function works well in many cases. However, using round() can sometimes lead to unexpected results because of hardware-related storage quirks.

print(round(2.675, 2))  # Outputs: 2.67, not 2.68 due to floating-point representation issues

While using round() is good enough for most tasks, remember it’s not an excellent choice for decimal arithmetic. For high-precision cases like accounting and scientific calculations, consider using the decimal module instead.

Using the Python decimal Module for Decimal Arithmetic

If precision is critical, Python’s decimal module provides a way to avoid floating-point precision issues. The decimal module allows you to work with decimal numbers while avoiding the rounding errors of float numbers.

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP

# Create Decimal objects instead of using floats
num = Decimal('2.675')

# Use the quantize() method to round to two decimal places with rounding mode ROUND_HALF_UP
rounded_num = num.quantize(Decimal('0.01'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

print(rounded_num)  # Outputs: 2.68

In this example, Decimal('2.675') represents precisely 2.675. The quantize() method rounds the number to two decimal places. Using the ROUND_HALF_UP strategy ensures the correct rounding behavior.

Significant benefits of the decimal module are:

  • Exact representation of decimal numbers.
  • Unique rounding strategies (e.g., ROUND_HALF_UP, ROUND_DOWN).
  • Useful for financial and other applications requiring high precision.

Rounding vs. Floor and Ceiling Functions

While round() rounds to the nearest integer, the math.floor() and math.ceil() functions from the Python math library allow you always to round down or up, respectively.

import math

number = 5.7
print(math.floor(number))  # Outputs: 5
print(math.ceil(number))  # Outputs: 6

In this example, math.floor() rounds down to the nearest integer, while math.ceil() rounds up.

Rounding Lists in Python

If you need to round elements in a list (or array), you can use list comprehensions or libraries like numpy to handle numerical data efficiently.

numbers = [1.234, 5.6789, 9.8765]
rounded_numbers = [round(num, 2) for num in numbers]
print(rounded_numbers)  # Outputs: [1.23, 5.68, 9.88]

For larger datasets, using numy provides better performance.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1.234, 5.6789, 9.8765])
rounded_arr = np.round(arr, 2)
print(rounded_arr)  # Outputs: [1.23 5.68 9.88]

In this example, the entire array is rounded to two decimal places using NumPy's round() function.

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