Python Class: Syntax and Examples [Python Tutorial]

In Python, classes bundle data and functionality within templates you can use to create objects from.

How to Use Python Classes

Classes are a fundamental component of object-oriented programming (OOP). With classes, you can turn complex systems into objects using data structures like dictionaries, lists, and tuples.

Python’s class syntax is easy to learn for beginners and similar to that of other programming languages (e.g., Java). Here’s a brief intro:

Python Creating a Class

To create a class in Python code, use the class keyword followed by the class name and a colon.

Classes often include an __init__() method, also called a constructor. __init__(), which has two underscores as prefixes and suffixes, is a special method to initialize (or set initial values for) class attributes. These are known as instance attributes, as they are specific to each instance of the class.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, attribute1, attribute2):
        self.attribute1 = attribute1
        self.attribute2 = attribute2
  • class: The keyword to start a class definition in Python.
  • MyClass: The name of the class, typically with every word in capitals, including the first word.
  • __init__: The constructor (or init) method to set default values for the new instance.
  • self:  A parameter to reference the new instance.
  • attribute1, attribute2: Attributes of the class, often referred to as instance variables.

The attribute name is used to assign unique properties to each instance. Each class can define multiple instance attributes, allowing for flexible object creation.

Python Creating an Instance of a Class

To create a new Python object from a class, call the class like a function, passing any required arguments to the constructor. This instantiation process allows you to create multiple objects from the same class, each with its own unique set of data, defined by their instance attributes.

my_object = MyClass("value1", "value2")
  • MyClass: The name of the class you want to use as a template for the new object.
  • my_object: The variable name for the new instance of the class.

Creating Class Methods

Class methods define a class's behavior and allow instances of a class to perform specific actions. You can define class methods using the def keyword inside the class body and use them to operate on instance data or perform tasks.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, attribute1, attribute2):
        self.attribute1 = attribute1
        self.attribute2 = attribute2

    def my_method(self):
        return f"Attributes are: {self.attribute1} and {self.attribute2}"

# Creating an instance and calling a class method
my_object = MyClass("value1", "value2")
# Outputs: 'Attributes are: value1 and value2'

Calling Class Methods

In Python, methods can operate on instance data or perform specific tasks. You can call methods from a class to perform actions or retrieve data. To call a method, you use the syntax my_object.my_method(), which accesses the method from the class instance.

class Greeting:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def say_hello(self):
        return f"Hello, {}!"

# Creating an instance
greet = Greeting("Alice")

# Calling an instance method
message = greet.say_hello()
print(message)  # Outputs: 'Hello, Alice!'

When to Use Classes in Python

Classes in Python programming help you group behavior and data. They provide a structured way to define and organize the properties and behaviors that different objects should have.

Encapsulation of Data and Methods

You can use classes to group related data and methods. This makes your code easier to manage and helps prevent accidental changes. For example, encapsulation helps you hide the implementation details of algorithms and limit access to class attributes.

class Book:
    def __init__(self, title, author, is_available=True):
        self.title = title = author
        self.is_available = is_available

    def display_info(self):
        return f"{self.title} by {}"

    def check_availability(self):
        return self.is_available

book = Book("1984", "George Orwell", is_available=False)
print(book.check_availability())  # Outputs: False

Modeling the Real World

You can use classes to resemble the natural world in your application. This approach is beneficial for applications that simulate real-world systems, such as inventory management or customer tracking. Creating a class for each entity ensures that your application accurately represents and manages these entities.

class Car:
    def __init__(self, make, model, year):
        self.make = make
        self.model = model
        self.year = year

    def car_details(self):
        return f"{self.year} {self.make} {self.model}"

Inheritance for Code Reuse

You can also create new classes to extend existing classes, reusing code and reducing unnecessary repetition. Inheritance helps you build a hierarchy of classes that share some functionality while allowing for specialized behavior in subclasses. Using inheritance, the derived class (e.g., ElectricCar) inherits attributes and methods from a parent class (e.g., Car).

class ElectricCar(Car):
    def __init__(self, make, model, year, battery_size):
        super().__init__(make, model, year)
        self.battery_size = battery_size

    def battery_info(self):
        return f"Battery size: {self.battery_size} kWh"

A parent class is sometimes also referred to as a base class. Both terms describe the same concept - a class that passes down its functionality to another class through inheritance.

Python Class Examples

Customer Database Application

A customer database application might use classes to handle customer records. Each customer can have a name, email address, and purchase history (stored as a dict). Class methods like add_purchase() can update a customer’s purchase history by working with instance attributes.

class Customer:
    def __init__(self, customer_id, name, email):
        self.customer_id = customer_id = name = email
        self.purchase_history = []

    def update_email(self, new_email): = new_email

    def add_purchase(self, item, amount):
        self.purchase_history.append({'item': item, 'amount': amount})

    def get_purchase_history(self):
        return self.purchase_history

customer1 = Customer(1, "Alice", "")
customer1.add_purchase("Laptop", 1200)
print(customer1.get_purchase_history())  # Outputs: [{'item': 'Laptop', 'amount': 1200}]

Here, customer_id, name, and email are examples of instance attributes used to store individual customer details.

Inventory Management System

An inventory management system might use classes to represent items in stock. Each item can be an instance of an InventoryItem class, with methods to work on item data.

class InventoryItem:
    def __init__(self, item_id, name, quantity):
        self.item_id = item_id = name
        self.quantity = quantity

    def update_quantity(self, new_quantity):
        self.quantity = new_quantity

    def item_details(self):
        return f"ID: {self.item_id}, Name: {}, Quantity: {self.quantity}"

item1 = InventoryItem(101, "Laptop", 50)
print(item1.item_details())  # Outputs: 'ID: 101, Name: Laptop, Quantity: 45'

Game Characters

Games might define the properties and actions of characters within classes. Using classes, game programmers can create multiple characters with shared behaviors and attributes while still allowing for unique characteristics.

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name, health, attack_power): = name = health
        self.attack_power = attack_power

    def attack(self):
        return f"{} attacks with power {self.attack_power}"

hero = Character("Warrior", 100, 75)
print(hero.attack())  # Outputs: 'Warrior attacks with power 75'

E-commerce Platform

An e-commerce platform might use classes to handle orders. Each order can be an instance of an Order class. Python class methods can add items, calculate the total price, and retrieve order details.

class Order:
    def __init__(self, order_id, customer):
        self.order_id = order_id
        self.customer = customer
        self.items = []

    def add_item(self, item_name, price, quantity):
        self.items.append({'item_name': item_name, 'price': price, 'quantity': quantity})

    def total_price(self):
        return sum(item['price'] * item['quantity'] for item in self.items)

    def order_details(self):
        return {'order_id': self.order_id, 'customer': self.customer, 'items': self.items, 'total': self.total_price()}

order1 = Order(1, "Alice")
order1.add_item("Laptop", 1200, 1)
order1.add_item("Mouse", 25, 2)
print(order1.order_details())  # Outputs order details with total price

Learn More About Python Classes

Python Class Variables and Instance Variables

In Python, class variables are helpful for attributes that are the same for all instances of that class. On the other hand, instance variables represent data of any data type that varies between instances.

class Teacher:
    school_name = "Green Valley High"

    def __init__(self, name): = name

teacher1 = Teacher("Mrs. Smith")
teacher2 = Teacher("Mr. Johnson")
print(Teacher.school_name)  # Outputs: 'Green Valley High'
print(  # Outputs: 'Mrs. Smith'

Instance attributes are sometimes also referred to as instance variables. Both terms describe the same concept: data that belongs to a specific object created from a class.

Python Class Inheritance and Subclassing

Inheritance allows you to create a new class based on an existing class. This helps create a logical class hierarchy and reuse common behavior.

class Human:
    def speak(self):
        return "Speaking..."

class Child(Human):
    def play(self):
        return "Playing..."

child = Child()
print(child.speak())  # Outputs: 'Speaking...'
print(  # Outputs: 'Playing...'

Python Abstract Classes

Abstract classes in Python provide a way to define a common interface (or API) for a group of related classes. However, abstract classes only serve as templates for other classes, so you can’t create instances of them.

To define an abstract class, import the built-in abc module and make your class inherit from ABC.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Animal(ABC):
    def sound(self):

class Dog(Animal):
    def sound(self):
        return "Bark"

class Cat(Animal):
    def sound(self):
        return "Meow"

dog = Dog()
cat = Cat()
print(dog.sound())  # Outputs: 'Bark'
print(cat.sound())  # Outputs: 'Meow'

Python Data Classes

Python 3 allows you to define classes as data classes and automatically generate methods like __init__, __repr__, and __eq__. Data classes are particularly useful for representing data structures such as configurations or database rows.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Employee:
    name: str
    age: int
    role: str

employee1 = Employee(name="Alice", age=30, role="Engineer")
print(employee1)  # Outputs: Employee(name='Alice', age=30, role='Engineer')

Python Enum Classes

Enum classes define a set of named values, reducing the possibility of invalid values. Enums are useful for representing fixed sets of related constants, such as days of the week or status codes for debugging.

from enum import Enum

class Status(Enum):
    NEW = 1

print(Status.NEW)  # Outputs: 'Status.NEW'

Class Decorators and Properties

You can use class decorators and properties to enhance class functionality. Decorators can modify class behavior. Properties provide a way to define methods you can access, such as attributes.

class Student:
    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name):
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name

    def full_name(self):
        return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}"

student1 = Student("John", "Doe")
print(student1.full_name)  # Outputs: 'John Doe'

Custom Iterators in Python Classes

Custom iterators let you control how iteration over class objects works. To create a customer iterator, implement __iter__() (returning the iterator object) and __next__() (defining the next value and raising StopIteration when done).

class CustomIterator:
    def __init__(self, items):
        self.items = items
        self.index = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.index < len(self.items):
            value = self.items[self.index]
            self.index += 1
            return value
        raise StopIteration

# Example usage
fruits = CustomIterator(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'])
for fruit in fruits:
# Outputs: apple, banana, cherry
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