JavaScript Regular Expressions: Syntax, Usage, and Examples

JavaScript regular expressions (regex) help you search, match, and manipulate text using patterns. You can use them to validate user input, extract data, or modify text dynamically.

How to Use JavaScript Regular Expressions

You create a regular expression in JavaScript using either the literal syntax or the RegExp constructor.

Regular Expression Syntax

// Regular expression literal
let regex = /hello/;

// RegExp constructor
let regex2 = new RegExp("hello");
  • Slashes (/ /) define a regex literal.
  • The RegExp constructor creates a dynamic pattern.

You can test a pattern against a string using .test() or .exec().

let pattern = /JavaScript/;
console.log(pattern.test("I love JavaScript")); // true
console.log(pattern.test("Python is great")); // false

When to Use JavaScript Regular Expressions

  1. Form validation – Validate email addresses, phone numbers, or passwords.
  2. Text search and replacement – Find specific words and modify them.
  3. Data extraction – Extract dates, numbers, or patterns from text.

Examples of JavaScript Regular Expressions

Validating an Email

let emailPattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/;
console.log(emailPattern.test("")); // true
console.log(emailPattern.test("invalid-email")); // false

Replacing Words in a String

let text = "I love JavaScript!";
let updatedText = text.replace(/JavaScript/, "Python");
console.log(updatedText); // "I love Python!"

Extracting Numbers

let sentence = "The price is $45.99";
let price = sentence.match(/\d+\.\d+/);
console.log(price[0]); // "45.99"

Learn More About JavaScript Regular Expressions

Understanding Regular Expressions in JavaScript

Regular expressions use special characters to define patterns.

let regex = /\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}/; // Matches a format like 123-45-6789
console.log(regex.test("123-45-6789")); // true
console.log(regex.test("12-3456-789")); // false
  • \d matches any digit (0-9).
  • {3} means exactly three occurrences.
  • `` is a literal hyphen.

Flags in Regular Expressions

Flags modify how a regex works.

let sentence = "Hello hello";
let caseInsensitivePattern = /hello/i; // Case insensitive flag (i)
console.log(caseInsensitivePattern.test(sentence)); // true

let globalPattern = /l/g; // Global search flag (g)
console.log(sentence.match(globalPattern)); // ['l', 'l', 'l', 'l']

How to Combine Two Regular Expressions in JavaScript

You can combine patterns using the pipe | (OR operator).

let fruitPattern = /apple|banana/;
console.log(fruitPattern.test("I like bananas")); // true
console.log(fruitPattern.test("I like grapes")); // false

Advanced Regular Expressions in JavaScript

You can use lookaheads, lookbehinds, and capturing groups for advanced pattern matching.

Positive Lookahead

Matches only if another pattern follows.

let lookaheadPattern = /\d+(?= dollars)/;
console.log("20 dollars".match(lookaheadPattern)); // ["20"]
console.log("20 euros".match(lookaheadPattern)); // null

Negative Lookahead

Matches only if another pattern does not follow.

let negativeLookahead = /\d+(?! euros)/;
console.log("30 dollars".match(negativeLookahead)); // ["30"]
console.log("30 euros".match(negativeLookahead)); // null

Capturing Groups

Extracts parts of a match.

let datePattern = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/;
let result = "2024-02-01".match(datePattern);
console.log(result[1]); // "2024"
console.log(result[2]); // "02"
console.log(result[3]); // "01"

Testing Regular Expressions in JavaScript

You can use .test(), .match(), or .exec().

let pattern = /hello/;
console.log(pattern.test("hello world")); // true

let matchResult = "hello world".match(/hello/);
console.log(matchResult[0]); // "hello"

let execResult = /(\d+)/.exec("Price: 99");
console.log(execResult[1]); // "99"

Common Mistakes with Regular Expressions

  1. Forgetting escape characters – Special characters like . and `` need escaping.
  2. Not using global (g) when needed – Without it, match() returns only the first match.
  3. Overusing regex for simple tasks – Sometimes split(), includes(), or replace() is enough.

Regular expressions in JavaScript are a powerful tool for searching, replacing, and validating text. Mastering them helps with data processing, input validation, and text parsing.

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