- Animation
- Background image
- Border Color
- Border radius
- Border width
- Borders
- Box model
- Box shadow
- Class attribute
- Clip path
- Color
- Comment
- Display property
- First-child selector
- Flexbox
- Font family
- Font size
- Font style
- Font weight
- Gradient
- Grid layout
- Height
- Linking a style sheet
- Margin
- Media query
- N-th-child selector
- Overflow property
- Padding
- Pixels
- Position property
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
- Rounding an image
- Selectors
- Specificity
- Text align
- Transition property
- Units
- Variable
- Width
- Z-index
CSS: Class Attribute
If we want to select one or more elements, we can set a class
attribute for the exact elements we want to change.
In the stylesheet, we can set a new class rule with a .
followed by the name of the class. Like here with .gray-element
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<ol> TO DO: <li class="gray-element">Floss</li>
<li>Feed Cat</li>
<li class="gray-element">Nap</li>
<li>Plan holiday</li>
<li class="gray-element">Order tea</li>
.gray-element {
background-color: lightgrey;