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2022: A year in review at Mimo
2022 has been a year full of achievements at Mimo. Let’s see what happened in 2022.
2022 has been a year full of achievements at Mimo. We launched Mimo on the web (beta), implemented new policies, worked on new features, and grew our team a lot. Keep reading if you’re curious about what happened in 2022 at Mimo.
Our 2022 year in review
Every once in a while, usually, a few days before the year’s end, we take a step back and analyse the year that just passed. This time, we decided to review everything we achieved in 2022 and share it with you.
Our mission and goals for the future
No matter what we plan for the future, our goal of making coding accessible to everyone doesn’t change. We embarked on this mission a few years ago, and we plan on continuing in the future. As our product portfolio grows, we’re able to help more people learn to code. We have a detailed article on our blog about the entire Mimo-verse and how each product can help you get one step closer to your coding goals.

What happened in 2022 at Mimo?
In 2022 our team grew quite a bit. This enabled us to allocate more resources to develop new features and products. We started developing a web product, launched new features, and opened the doors to our online coding bootcamp, among other significant achievements. So let’s start with the first one.
We launched our online coding bootcamp
In 2022, we opened the doors to our online coding bootcamp. It’s a six-month coding bootcamp designed to help you become a web developer. Since then, we’ve had over 100 graduates and lots of encouraging feedback from our students to push us forward in 2023. If you’re curious about the curriculum, how much it costs, and how you can apply, go to mimo.org.
We launched the dark mode
Another significant launch was the dark mode. We know just how important it can be to protect your eyes and not get blinded by all the bright colors of your screen. Since lots of you asked for a dark mode, we listened and delivered. Now you can switch between light and dark mode anytime you want.

We implemented a menstrual leave policy
A few months ago, we decided to open the conversation about menstruation. To do that, we arranged to implement an internal menstrual leave policy. Any person working at Mimo who menstruates can take up to three days of paid leave to recover from pain or other symptoms. We shared the news on LinkedIn and were happy to see that so many people and companies appreciated it. Hopefully, we inspired other companies to do the same.
Mimo is now available in multiple languages
This year we also managed to translate the Mimo app into multiple languages. You can now learn to code in English, French, German, Portuguese (Brasil), Russian, and Spanish. We worked on this feature for months, and it was nice to see that our learners loves this feature. You might still find a mistake here or there, but rest assured, we’ll continue improving the translations throughout 2023.
We launched Mimo on the web (beta)
This fall, after months of hard work and testing, we launched Mimo on the web, our web product designed to help you code on your computer. It was a long and awaited launch, and we were thrilled to see that so many people volunteered to be our first beta testers. It’s now been months, and we’re seeing more and more learners discovering the product and learning Web Development and Python.
You can register for free or use your existing Mimo account to switch seamlessly between your phone and your computer anytime you want.
We won the “App of the Year” award
December welcomed us with a lovely surprise. We were awarded “App of the Year” in the education category by Apps Magazine from Germany. It’s always lovely to see our efforts rewarded, which is why this award means so much to us. Thank you for learning with us in 2022.
What we’re thankful for
Before we end this year in review, we want to thank our learners for their love and support. Mimo wouldn’t be here without every one of you. Your support means the world to us. In 2023 we’ll be focusing on growth and new features. Lots of great things are coming up.
To make this article more entertaining and end 2022 on a positive note, we gathered a few end-of-the-year statistics you didn’t know about.
8 fun things you didn’t know about Mimo in 2022
What was the most popular coding path in 2022?
The Web Development path by far (over 50.5% of our learners choose this path when they sign-up).
What is the average time learners spend in the app?
The average session length is around 4.7 minutes.
What was the longest streak in 2022?
The longest streak was 1,397 days (and counting). This is what we call dedication.
How many Mimo certificates we issued in 2022?
In 2022 we issued 24,675 Mimo coding certificates.
How many bootcamp students graduated in 2022?
This year we had 101 bootcamp graduates. Congrats to everyone!
Quick 2022 stats you didn’t know
- The richest Mimo learner had 86,663 coins in 2022.
- The most active learner completed 57,643 exercises in 2022.
- The most competitive learner won their leaderboard 28 times in 2022.